
Not only the newest and most modern event place in Zamboanga, this theater is more than ready to host your posh events like conventions, seminars, product launchings, concerts, graduations and other grand events that you may have.

Get ready to be awed. This venue is definitely built to impress and deliver!


hall information

Seating Capacity: 471 pax
Main Projector: 8,000 lumens
Main Screen: H4m x W6m
Secondary Screen: H2.4m x W2.4m

hall specification

  • Area: 180 sqm
  • Ceiling Height: 3.0m


Garden Orchid Hotel has a wide range of Function Halls including a Convention Center that accommodates an audience as small as 20 and as big as 1200. With its state of the art facilities, it can fully cater to the diverse needs of your event to truly make it a success.